Why Does My Dog Get Hiccups at Night

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Written By Michael

Michael is an experienced dog and cat trainer. He also works closely with Veterinarians.

why does my dog get hiccups at night

Dogs, our beloved companions, can surprise us with some behaviors, and one such curious occurrence is having regular hiccups, especially at night. 

While it might be fascinating or amusing, dog hiccups can be caused by different reasons, some harmless and others potentially indicating an underlying issue. 

If you ask why does my dog get hiccups at night, hang in there as you will get crucial insights in this guide. 

Hiccups in dogs come primarily due to excitement, much like in humans. When your dog is particularly energetic or engaged in play, the sudden air intake during panting can lead to hiccups. 

Additionally, rapid consumption of food or water, especially after physical activity, can trigger hiccups in dogs. In most cases, these hiccups are harmless and subside on their own. 

However, if your dog experiences persistent hiccups, especially at night, it is crucial to explore other potential causes.

It’s common for dogs to exhibit hiccups and vomiting simultaneously, leading pet owners to wonder about the connection between these symptoms. 

By recognizing the causes, you can take proactive steps to ensure your dog’s digestive health and well-being.

In addition to hiccups and vomiting, some dogs may display repetitive behaviors such as hiccuping and swallowing. These actions can be indicative of various issues, including respiratory concerns, anxiety, or gastroesophageal reflux. 

Addressing these issues is necessary for maintaining your dog’s health. 

Suppose you are still trying to understand why your dog has hiccups at night. In that case, we will look into why these things happen, guiding you on when to take action and seeking professional veterinary advice.

Reasons Why Your Dog Gets Hiccups at Night?

1. Excitement and Evening Play

Dogs are most likely to experience increased excitement at night, especially if it coincides with their peak activity periods. 

This increase in energy may lead to increased panting, resulting in air intake and, subsequently, hiccups. 

Dogs are crepuscular animals, naturally more active during dawn and dusk, making evenings a good time for play and exercise.

To reduce hiccups caused by excitement at night, consider adjusting your dog’s play routine. Engage in interactive activities earlier in the evening, making your dog less excited before bedtime. 

Additionally, you can add mental stimulation to your dog’s daily routine to help expend excess energy, reducing the likelihood of nighttime excitement leading to hiccups. 

Ensuring a calm and predictable environment during evening hours can relax your dog.

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2. Dietary Factors and Late-Night Meals

Your dog’s diet plays an impressive role in their overall health and can also influence the occurrence of hiccups, especially at night. 

Late-night meals or snacks may contribute to hiccups, as the digestive system works to process food during rest. 

When dogs consume large meals just before bedtime, their system may struggle to digest the food efficiently, potentially leading to hiccups.

The solution to this is to consider adjusting your dog’s feeding schedule. It would help if you strived to provide meals before bedtime, allowing sufficient time for digestion. 

Smaller, more regular meals throughout the day can also be beneficial. Also, be mindful of the type of food you are feeding your dog, as certain ingredients may contribute to digestive discomfort. 

Consulting with your veterinarian to determine a suitable feeding plan for your dog’s needs can help minimize nighttime hiccups.

3. Respiratory Sensitivities and Environmental Factors

Dogs may experience hiccups at night due to respiratory sensitivities triggered by environmental factors. Dust, allergens, or even temperature changes can irritate a dog’s respiratory system, increasing hiccuping. 

As a dog owner, you must ensure a clean and allergen-free sleep environment for your dog. This can help reduce the chances of respiratory-related hiccups at night.

You can use air purifiers in your dog’s sleeping area, especially if your dog is prone to respiratory sensitivities. Also, keeping the window closed during significant weather conditions can help to reduce nighttime hiccups. 

Regular grooming to minimize allergens in their fur and keeping good indoor air quality can contribute to a healthier respiratory system.

4. Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety is a common cause of nighttime hiccups in dogs. Stress and anxiety can be displayed in different ways, including hiccuping, especially during the night when the household is calm and quiet. 

Changes in routine, loud noises, or separation anxiety may contribute to stress-related hiccups. 

Creating a secure and predictable nighttime routine for your dog can help solve anxiety and reduce the occurrence of hiccups.

You can introduce soothing elements to your dog’s evening routine, such as a calm background sound or gentle petting. 

A comfortable and safe sleeping environment also contributes to a sense of security, minimizing stress-related hiccups. 

If anxiety persists, consult with your veterinarian to explore potential behavioral remedies or anxiety-relieving supplements.

5. Gastrointestinal Distress

Gastrointestinal distress, including indigestion or acid reflux, can contribute to hiccups in dogs, especially if they indulge in late-night snacking. 

Even humans experience discomfort in their bodies when they eat at odd hours; how much more your dog. Eating late at night can lead to acid reflux, irritating the diaphragm and causing hiccups.

Having a consistent feeding plan for your dog and avoiding late-night snacks could solve this issue. Elevating your dog’s food bowl slightly may also help reduce the likelihood of acid reflux.

If gastrointestinal distress persists, consulting your veterinarian can help identify underlying issues.

Why Do My Dog Hiccups and Vomiting, and What to Do?

1. Gastrointestinal Sensitivity

Like humans, dogs can have varying sensitivity levels regarding their digestive systems. Due to gastrointestinal sensitivity, some dogs may be more prone to hiccups and vomiting. 

One way of solving this issue is by looking into your dog’s diet. When doing that, look for potential intolerances that are triggering these symptoms. 

However, consider consulting with your veterinarian to explore specialized diets or hypoallergenic options that could help manage your dog’s gastrointestinal sensitivity and reduce the occurrence of hiccups and vomiting.

Keeping a detailed record of your dog’s food intake and observing any patterns related to hiccups and vomiting can provide helpful tips for the next steps. 

By identifying specific triggers or food items that correlate with these symptoms, you can take proactive steps in adjusting their diet to suit their digestive system better.

2. Ingestion of Foreign Objects

Like most animals, dogs have a curious desire to explore, especially with their mouths. 

Unfortunately, this adventurous trait can have dangerous consequences and sometimes result in the ingestion of foreign objects, leading to digestive issues and the unpleasant combination of hiccups and vomiting. 

As a responsible dog owner, it is advisable to be vigilant about your dog’s surroundings, especially during outdoor activities or playtime.

You can diminish the risk of your dog ingesting harmful objects by inspecting their play areas frequently and removing any potential hazards you find. 

Training your dog with commands like “leave it” can also be beneficial in preventing them from picking up or swallowing dangerous items. 

If you suspect your dog has ingested a harmful substance, monitor their behavior closely, and if hiccups and vomiting occur, it may indicate an obstruction or other health concerns.

3. Dental Health

Dental health issues like gum disease or tooth decay can contribute to dog discomfort, potentially leading to hiccups and vomiting. 

Maintaining your dog’s oral health is necessary for their overall well-being. 

Regular dental care, which includes cleaning your dog’s teeth and providing appropriate dental treats, can significantly reduce the risk of dental health issues.

Regularly taking your dog to a veterinarian is advisable as they can identify early signs of dental issues, recommend appropriate dental care routines, and provide guidance on suitable oral hygiene products. 

Caring for your dog’s dental health minimizes the risk of dental health-related symptoms such as hiccups and vomiting.

4. Consulting a Veterinarian

Expert guidance is needed when your dog constantly vomits and has hiccups frequently. Seeking advice from a veterinarian is essential for your dog’s comfort and well-being. 

Veterinarians are trained to conduct thorough examinations and diagnostic tests to single out the root cause of these symptoms. 

It would help if you didn’t disregard the early signs, as they may indicate underlying health issues that require specific attention and urgent treatment.

During a veterinary consultation, provide detailed information about your dog’s diet, behavior, and any observed patterns related to hiccups and vomiting. 

This information helps the veterinarian make an accurate diagnosis and formulate an appropriate treatment plan.

Why Does My Dog Keep Hiccuping and Swallowing?

1. Respiratory Issues

Persistent hiccuping accompanied by swallowing could indicate respiratory issues. Allergies, infections, or irritants in the air may contribute to these symptoms. 

Keep your dog’s environment clean and free from possible respiratory triggers or allergens.

Although it may not be anything serious, respiratory issues will cause discomfort to your dog. It is best you speak to a vet doctor for further help.

2. Eating too Fast

If your dog gulps down food, it could be one of the reasons for constant hiccuping and swallowing. When your dog eats too fast, air enters the respiratory system, which irritates it and causes hiccups.

You can resolve this matter by providing a slow feeder bowl for your pet, as they have proven effective for dogs that eat fast.

3. Stress or Excitement

Some dogs can get overexcited over nothing, and this can lead to hiccups. You can help your dog calm down by providing a comfortable bed and environment. Also, you can get your dog a toy to keep it calm.

Dogs like an environment that is quiet and cozy; adding soothing background music can also reduce the stress in the dog.

What to Do When Your Dog Gets Hiccups

1. Stay Calm

Hiccups are usually harmless, so it is good not to panic. Dogs can pick up on their owner’s feelings, and staying calm can help reassure your pet that everything is fine.

2. Adjust Feeding Routine

Consider adjusting your dog’s feeding routine if hiccups seem related to mealtimes. Smaller, more frequent meals can reduce the chances of hiccups.

3. Provide Water

After you have adjusted your dog’s feeding routine and the hiccups are still there, you may ask yourself, Why does my dog get hiccups at night?” here is another solution. 

Offering your dog some amount of fresh water may help alleviate hiccups. Hydration can be soothing to the dog’s respiratory system and help reduce the hiccups.

4. Give a Soothing Massage

Everyone loves a nice, soothing body massage, even dogs. A gentle massage may help ease the discomfort your dog is experiencing and eventually stop the hiccup. 

You can gently rub their neck, back, or chest. A good massage can aid in blood flow and reduce stress, which is a cause of hiccups in dogs.

In conclusion, knowing what is behind your dog’s regular hiccups at night is necessary to remain healthy. 

While occasional hiccups are normal, persistent ones require attention. If you need to talk to a veterinarian, kindly do so for better advice.


Are hiccups in dogs typical?

Yes, occasional hiccups are normal and often harmless. Dogs, like humans, may experience hiccups due to various factors such as excitement, activities, or rapid eating. However, persistent hiccups indicate an underlying issue that requires attention.

Why does my dog get hiccups at night specifically?

Dogs are most energetic during dawn and dusk, so if your dog gets hiccups at night, it could be linked to evening play or exercise excitement. Also, environmental changes or dietary factors may contribute to nighttime hiccups.

Can stress or anxiety cause hiccups in dogs?

Yes, stress and anxiety can result in hiccups in dogs. Changes in routine, loud noises, or separation anxiety may lead to repetitive behaviors like hiccuping. Creating a secure and calm environment can help minimize stress-related hiccups.

What should I do if my dog experiences hiccups and vomiting?

If your dog experiences hiccups and vomiting, consider potential meal factors, such as sensitivities or ingesting foreign objects. 

Regular dental care is essential; consulting your veterinarian for a thorough examination is advisable to rule out any serious health issues.

How can I stop my dog’s hiccups?

As emphasized earlier, hiccups are usually harmless, so you should not panic. Adjust your dog’s feeding routine to smaller, more frequent meals, provide a small amount of water, and create a calm atmosphere to minimize stress. 

If hiccups persist, consulting with a veterinarian is recommended for professional advice.

Should I be concerned about my dog’s hiccuping and swallowing?

While occasional hiccuping and swallowing are normal, persistent symptoms may indicate respiratory issues, anxiety, or gastroesophageal reflux. 

Maintaining a neat environment, addressing potential stress factors, and consulting with a veterinarian if symptoms persist are crucial steps to ensure your dog is okay.

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