Why Is My Female Cat Rolling Around And Meowing

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Written By Michael

Michael is an experienced dog and cat trainer. He also works closely with Veterinarians.

why is my female cat rolling around and meowing

Cats are undoubtedly friendly and lovable pets to have around the house. While these fluffy creatures are adorable, they often can act weird. 

One such instance your Cat can appear weird is when your female Cat is rolling around and meowing simultaneously. 

If your female Cat is rolling around and meowing frequently, it is most likely because she is in heat or is feeling happy, playful, bored, or unwell. 

Chances are your Cat is exhibiting its natural, playful, or needy side at best or is showing signs of an illness at worst. 

Your response to this behavior can make a difference in the long run. This article seeks to explore all these sides so you know which box to tick. 

The trick is to understand what underlying factors are responsible for your Cat’s behavior and then take the proper measures to address it.  

Why Is My Female Cat Rolling Around And Meowing

There could be more than one answer to why is my female Cat rolling around and meowing. 

The reason could range from a harmless display of playfulness to the symptom of an illness or a natural response to a biological process such as their heat period. 

Here are a few reasons you might find helpful. 

1. To greet its owner

If you’re the type to play around with your Cat at home regularly, you should get used to seeing her meow at the sight of you. 

Cats acknowledge their owner’s presence by meowing, especially if they have not seen you for some time. Your Cat may also meow in response when you speak to her. 

2. To demand for food

Cats, like humans, ask for food by speaking out in their unique way, which is meowing. 

If you don’t have a feeding routine designed for your Cat or skip their meals for a significant period, you can expect your Cat to meow in protest or as a reminder. 

You’ll mostly hear them at their loudest when they see you approaching the kitchen; this is your cue to attend to them. 

3. To mark territory

As odd as this sounds, cats mark territory by rolling around the floor. 

Their paws, cheeks, and the base of their tails are the site of scent glands, which leave a trail on the ground when rubbed against it. 

They do this to warn another pet within the home to steer clear of their zone, thus the origins of the term “jealous cat.” 

4. To show illness or pain

Cats can fall sick and feel pain from an injury or illness, and their rolling or meowing may be a cry for help. 

What you call rolling around and meowing may be your Cat writhing in pain and crying out, and you’ll need to examine them closely to get the complete picture and then call a vet when necessary. 

5. To show happiness or boredom

Cats show happiness by rolling around playfully or meowing gleefully. 

If your Cat is in a good mood at home, she may show it by purring, kneading with her paws, and then rolling her body against the floor. 

She may even roll up to you and start grooming your face, and you can reciprocate by giving her some attention to wean off.  

If, on the other hand, your Cat has been left unattended for a large part of the day, she may spend the latter part of the day crying out for your attention. 

You’ll hear your cat meow loudly anytime you pass it by, and this meowing can go on for a long time due to the energy levels it has stored up throughout the day. 

6. The Catnip Influence

The Catnip influence is an often overlooked reason for excessive rolling and meowing in Cats. 

Catnip contains a compound called nepetalactone, which, when ingested or inhaled by Cats, can cause them to display heightened acts of liveliness, including rolling around on their backs. 

If this display of excessive happiness occurs after you feed your Cat with Catnip, you can be at ease knowing that it is mostly a harmless reaction to nepetalactone consumption. 

ALSO READ: Why Stainless Steel Litter Boxes Are Best For Your Cat

How Do You Calm A Female Cat In Heat

Female Cats display specific exaggerated behavior when they are in heat, and you may have to step in when you start noticing this behavior to set them at ease. 

Here are a few ways to calm your Cat when it is going through a heat cycle. 

1. Play with your cat

Playing with your Cat can help calm and keep them occupied at the height of their heat. 

Your Cat will become very demanding at such time and may become overly affectionate, often rubbing its face against furniture or your body. 

This is your cue to reciprocate, but not excessively, so they don’t repeatedly crawl up your skin. 

2. Place your cat on a heat pack

If your Cat has a favorite blanket or comforter it mostly snuggles into, try placing a heating pad under it during their heat period. 

This heating pack will produce a soothing effect that’ll rub off on them and reduce any agitation that they may previously have been experiencing. 

3. Use a pheromone diffuser

Pheromone diffusers come in handy for a Cat in heat.

When plugged in close to your Cat, these diffusers leave a pleasant scent in their trail that can help them feel safe and secure. 

The scent mimics the Cat’s natural pheromones, giving them a relaxing effect that can calm their frayed nerves. 

4. Spay your cat

To spay your Cat is to make them incapable of going into heat and thus engaging in reproductive activity. 

The Spaying process will make your Cat unable to produce the hormones that make them restless during the heat. 

This also means you effectively rule out heat as a reason for your Cat’s weird behavior. 

5. Keep their litter box clean

Your Cat will tend to mark its territory while in heat, and spraying is one of the most popular ways they respond to the hormone rush they experience. 

To avoid your Cat spraying all over your sofa or living space, clean their litter at all times. Your female Cat will make its way to her litter and ease herself there. 

How To Know If Your Female Cat Is In Heat

Cats go through a heat period after reaching maturity, usually from four months up. During this period, you can expect to hear and see a lot of meowing, rolling around, and other agitating behavior. 

Here are a few signs showing that your Cat is in her heat period. 

1. Rolling on the floor and rubbing against furniture

If your unspayed Cat suddenly starts rolling its body on the floor or rubbing itself against objects around your house, she may be experiencing her heat period. 

The buildup of hormones from this period causes them to exhibit exaggerated body mannerisms, including rolling excessively and robbing their body around soft furniture. 

2. Spraying urine

Cats show their readiness for mating by spraying their urine. 

They do this to let other nearby cats know they are in their heat period. Their urine leaves a trail of secreted hormones that other cats can trace. 

3. Looking for attention

Cats become needy during their heat period, and you will know all about this by their clinging attitude towards you. 

You will find your Cats snuggling up to you and rubbing their bodies against you. They expect you to stroke and pet them in return, especially at their hindquarters and down their backs. 

4. Meowing and yowling

One of the first things a cat does when it is in heat is to be more expressive, or “vocalize,” as it is often called. 

This vocalization comes out as meowing, yowling, and crying, each sounding out across various pitches and intensities. 

You may hear this high-pitched sound around your home, swiftly followed by other agitating behaviors. 

5. Looking to go outside

If you find your Cat hanging around your door or scratching it more frequently, even if it has primarily been trained indoors, you could be dealing with a Cat in heat. 

During this heat period, your Cat will get that hormone-fuelled urge to go outdoors in search of a mating partner or to feel outside air. 

If you don’t want a pregnancy for your Cat, you may install a cat flap outdoors where it can safely and securely hang around. 

How Long Does A Female Cat’s Heat Last

A Cat’s first estrous (reproductive) cycle comes around when they reach puberty, or sexual maturity, which can be anything from four to six months. 

The time at which they reach this stage, and their breeding period in general, will mostly depend on the length of daylight hours or other geographical factors near the Cat’s surroundings. 

While a female Cat’s heat period can last between 1 to 21 days, the average heat period for most female Cats is seven days. 

If your Cat has never mated(a queen cat), she will probably go out of heat after seven days.


Why is My Cat Meowing So Much all of a Sudden

Your Cat’s sudden meowing could be down to different reasons. Cats express different emotions like happiness, boredom, hunger, pain, discomfort, arousal, and even jealousy by meowing. 

If this sudden meowing is new to you or is loud and prolonged, you should look closely at the Cat to diagnose the problem correctly. 

Why Is My Cat Meowing So Much at Night?

While Cats are known to be more active at night, you shouldn’t have to resign yourself to their excessive meowing at night. 

Your Cat may be meowing too much at night for several reasons, ranging from boredom, arousal, aging, or illness. 

For sick cats, an overactive thyroid or a diseased kidney may provide the most likely links to their excessive nightly meowing. 

On the other hand, Cats meow at night as they grow older, probably because they may be suffering from Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome(CDS). 

Why Do Female Cats Cry At Night? 

Like their male counterparts, female Cats cry at night for reasons ranging from a demand for attention, companionship, food, or medical care. 

Also, if your female Cat spends most of her day indoors, bored and unattended, her night antics may become a constant sight.

You can curb this behavior by showing her a little attention or letting her play outdoors during the day, hoping she tires out at night and is less vocal. 

Why is my Female Cat Acting Weird and Meowing

Weird cat behavior can be displayed as exaggerated body mannerisms, excessive vocalization, and other strange behavior.

The behavior in question can often be traced to a developing issue, a pressing need, or a biological trigger. 

If your Cat’s meowing is louder than usual or sustained for too long, you may need to look closely at it to know what is behind it. 

Your Cat might most likely be in heat or experiencing signs of aging or disoriented conduct. 

If this weird behavior looks repetitive, your Cat may be experiencing a compulsive disorder that will need to be addressed by a veterinary doctor. 

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